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First Ingredient: CONTENT OF FAITH Second Ingredient:ASSENT Third Ingredient:TRUST Illustration: The Chair Greek Word: pisteou=denotes reliance, trust, belief Quote:J.Oswald Smith-People s Church  Many believe who have never trusted. DZqZ'ZfBaptist DoctrineB  #1 REVELATIONXTextbooks THE\BAPTIST FAITH AND MESSAGE-Dr. Hershel Hobbs The Baptist Faith and Message  June 14,2000 Biblical Beliefs-Dr. C. H Benson New Testament Theology-Dr.Frank Stagg~ ?The Rock From Which We Are Hewn (The Distinctive of Baptists according to Dr.E.Y. Mullins-  the competency of the soul in religion. p.11 They insist upon the Lordship of Christ and the The authority of Scriptures. They are under obligation to preach the gospel to all men as they understand it. The priesthood of believers grants every Christian the right to read Bible and interpret as he feels the Holy Spirit leading8)Z@Z Z Completing Claims To Truth HUMAN REASON Rationalism -- truth by reason alone Empiricism -- truth by observation Mysticism  Truth by subjective experiencet f  f   ! ECCLESIATICAL AUTHORITY Roman Catholic Mormon Jehovah s Witness Others "Hf0 BIBLICAL BELIEFSInspiration of the Scriptures Inspiration-What is It?Greek Word-theopneutos=God Breathed Lit. means  inbreathing of God Two Places Used in Bible Job 32:8 and II Tim.3:16 See Also II Peter 1:21 Jesus had utmost respect for Scriptures John 5:39-40 Mark 14:49 Luke 24:27 D$ y3fCANON OF SCRIPTURE  a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures. 4S(? (Jesus Authenticated O.T. A number of documents were circulating from 50AD-150AD Marcion heresy prompted the canon Muratorian Fragment-200AD was first list Council of Carthage-397AD-first council to list all 27 NT books. 2f$f(f CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE 1ST Criteria- Book was written or endorsed by an apostle. 2nd Criteria- Did the early church use the books as  sacred writings 3rd Criteria- Conformity to the core of books not questioned. 4th Criteria-was the book Christ-Centered. 5th Criteria- Internal evidence of its unique character as inspired and authoritativeaZ Z%ZZZff f.fff f;fff f3fff ffff fKf THE EXTENT OF INSPIRATION$FOUR VIEWS N______________ INSPIRATION MECHANICAL INSPIRATION P______________ INSPIRATION PLENARY INSPIRATION-  All portions of the Holy Scriptures even beyond the direction of thoughts to the selection of words. P ZZ fUffif CLAIMS OF INSPIRATION THE OLD TESTAMENT WRITERS  Thus saith the Lord -1900 times  the Lord said &  the Lord spoke -3808 times THE NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS a)NT has 280 quotes from OT b)Paul quotes Luke and Deut. as same c)Peter classifies Paul s writing-divine JESUS CLAIMS INSPIRATIONxMmfMffmff The Extent of InspirationJESUS AND INSPIRATION The________ of His Coming was to bear witness to the truth.(Jn.18:37) He regarded them as authentic in their entirety He applied the whole scripture to____. He quoted from a___ scriptures. He upheld verbal inspiration of scripture. He accepted m_________ of the Bible. & ZZfThe Nature of Inspiration BAPTIST DOCTRINE- Lesson-#2GOD-MAN SALVATION-GRACE,DOCTRINE OF GODIs there a God or not? How do we answer an atheist who says there is no God? To say there is no God one would have to have all knowledge. Ask if they have such. No. Say that you are going to be generous and give that person the benefit of having half the knowledge in world. Then say to that person could not God exist in that half of knowledge that they know nothing about. Have scientists disproved God?  Ninety percent of all astronomers today believe in God. Quote:Pierre Simon de La Place(greatest astronomer) said,  The evidence for God as opposed to the evidence against him as the Creator of this universe was as infinity to one. FMZ5ZMDoctrine of GodThere is  one and only on living and true God. There are not many different gods in the world. Gen.1:1  In the beginning God created.. Isa.45:22  For I am God, and there is none else Exod.3:14  God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM (the one that always was and forever will be& the Self-Existing One) Ps.19:1  The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth forth His handywork. Eph.4:6  One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all, and in you all. P`:3f3f"3fGod-Triune Person0GOD THE FATHER 1. A Creative relationship.Ps.68:5/Jerm.31:9 2. A Redemptive relationship.Jn.1:12/Gal.3:26 GOD THE SON Christ is the invisible God made visible. God came near in Christ. Jn.1:14 GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT In the person of the Holy Spirit, God comes even closer relationship with His children. The Holy Spirit is the resurrected presence of Christ in His Body. Christ in you. Gal.2:20Z[Z ZKZZZ[ K    NAMES OF GODELOHIM- The general name for the true God as opposed to pagan gods. ADONAI- Means Lord, a term of respect. YAHWEH- The name most often used for God to distinguish Israel s God from false gods. (Same as Jehovah)  He will be that He will be and always was. &--ATTRIBUTES OF GODASELF-EXISTENCE- Eternal IMMUTABILITY- Does not change OMNIPRESENCE- Present at all times all places. IMMENSITY-No human concept can contain. ETERNITY- No beginning or end. OMNISCIENCE- Has all knowledge OMNIPOTENCE-Can do anything in keeping with His Nature or purpose. MORAL ATTRIBUTES HOLINESS RIGHTEOUSNESS TRUTH LOVERZZ"Z3f" GOD-THE SONChrist is His official title-  the Anointed One sent to save; same as Messiah. Son of Man=identity with man for redemption His deity-humanity-fully God and fully God His Virgin Birth-fully recorded in Mt./Luke His Sinless Life-II Cor.5:21 His Atoning death-Rom.325-26 His Triumphant Resurrection-proves deity His Mediatorial Reign-He oversees the bringing together those estranged}Z} GOD-THE HOLY SPIRIT4The word spirit-pnuema= breath or wind The Holy Spirit inspired & illuminates Scriptures The Holy Spirit Administered work in church The Holy Spirit convicts of lostness of people. The Holy Spirit enables Christians to live the Christian life and be witnesses. The Holy Spirit points to Jesus, not to itself.5Z5!#2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN The Creation of Man and World Thought Evolutionist call man  a cosmic accident Quote: For something to be its own creation, it would have to be and not to be at the same time. -Dr.R.C. Sproul The odds of spontaneous regeneration Fossils tell no tales bNf_<"Creation of ManMan s Origin  Gen.2;7 and Gen 3: Man is the highest of creation The world reverses the order Man s character-spirit- soul- body Man s body returns to ground Man s spirit returns to God. Eccles.12:7 II Cor.5;8 Phil.1:21/23 Matt.17:3 John 11:26 N$3fZ9$3fZZ:%6God s Image In Man-Gen.1:27pPERSONALITY -Body-5 Senses -Soul-Mind,will, Emotions -Spirit MORALS Conscience Forfeited at Fall@q 3f?3f3f3f 5RATIONAL BEING VOLITIONAL BEING AFFECTIONATE BEING663f& RGod s Glory is seen in Creation God s Glory is seen in the Redeemed God s Glory is seen perfectly in Jesus Redeemed man is still to express God s Glory The Plan-Death To Self The Perverted Ways to give Glory Roller Coaster Rd Abnegation Avenue Education Expressway Dedication drive dZZ  j'HGod s Plan for Man to Give Him Glory%%. The resources for the Christian life are just-Jesus. Charles Trumbull Col.1:27  Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Eph.3:17  that Christ should dwell in your hearts by faith. Gal.2:20  it is no longer I, but Christ that liveth in me.  Reckon on the fact and then realize it. @G*(Man s DominionHis Helpmate His Authority Over All Creation His Responsibility His Failure Jesus Demonstrated Dominion Nature,Animal kingdom,Storms,etc. Demons,disease,death,devil,Hell,grave,etc Is Jesus Lord of your life-Lord of Lords2hZuZh3fu3f)THE FALL OF MAN>Did God Test Man in the Garden Satan laid his plans well Worked on weakest person Made them doubt God s word Made up lies about God and them Made sin look good49" g93fg3f* The Results of SinThe sin problem is cosmic not local Sin=Greek  Hamartia=means to miss the mark as in archery. Rom.3:23 Sin Results In Alienation Alienation Between God and Man Alienation Between Man and Man Alienation Between Man and Himself.a3fa3f,"The Tribunal for SinThey were prosecuted before god Their Plea was to make excuses Their Punishment was extensive Satan was doomed-Gen.3;15 Woman was given sorrow and pain in childbirth and subordinate to man Man was given painful toil, thorns, and hard struggles and death <^" ZZ^3f3f0&INGREDIENTS OF FAITHDefinition of Faith-See Heb.11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. First Ingredient: CONTENT OF FAITH Second Ingredient:ASSENT Third Ingredient:TRUST Illustration: The Chair Greek Word: pisteou=denotes reliance, trust, belief Quote:J.Oswald Smith-People s Church  Many believe who have never trusted. DZqZ'Zf1'SAVING FAITH-Two ViewsROMAN CATHOLIC God declares a person justified when he indeed he is just. Infusion of Grace Grace can come by Two sacrements Baptism and Penance<_%ff NPROTESTANT VIEW The instrument of cause of faith alone. Imputation of Grace Double Imputation= Christ s righteousness and Death put on our Account Not Antinomian Faith4ZZff2(Three Types of FaithSaving Faith A recognition of salvation from the penalty of sin (John 3:16-18) Living Faith A deliverance from the power of sin (James 1:2,3) Working Faith A demonstration of the fruit of regeneration (Eph. 2:10) C 69 C 69  4) LIVING FAITH  Faith is living, dynamic, life-changing Not faith without works/evidence We are saved by faith and live by faith: The Way of Death with Christ-Takes Faith The Way of Life in Christ-Takes Faith The Way of Approprriation is faith True faith will express itself in works.rrff7, REGENERATION Necessity of the New Birth Deceitful Heart-Jerm.17:9 Born into Sin-PS.51:5 Carnal Nature-Rom.7:15 God s Holiness Certainty of Death-Rom 5:17  By one man Sin entered into the world and death by sin And so death passed upon all men for all have sinned. N9foftf8-NATURE OF NEW BIRTH Regeneration is Monergistic-God s Work Humans are dead, helpless to pull themselves out of the mire of sin. Quote: John Blanchard-  Nicodemus was no ordinary Pharisee; he was a ruler or master of Israel. He was one of the leading teachers of his day and spent his life studying and teaching religion& yet he did not even begin to grasp what Jesus meant! He could not see the truth because he was spiritually blind& .a sinner needs not another birth but a new birth& not reformation of life, but formation of a new life. `lZZlf3fz3f 3f9.NATURE OF NEW BIRTH-pt2(Ezekiel prophesied about new life.26:26 Jesus taught new birth The apostles taught new birth There are three aspects of New Birth: It is a Mystery-Jn.3:8 It is a Must-must is used 3 times in Jn 3 It is a MiracletQfffff&ff:/New Birth-What it is Not?Not Natural Descent Not Mere Human Decision Not Human Determination Not through the Sacraments-not even baptismal regeneration as some evangelicals believe.3f5+,GOD S PURPOSE OF GRACE XGod s purpose of grace is man s redemption Election never appears in Bible as mechanical Election seems always to deal with God s Children Election never appears as a cancellation or violation of man s free will. God chose us in the sphere of being in Christ. Eph.1:3-13 Perseverance of the saints says all true believers will endure till the end. Paul believed God keep Him till the END. God keeps us saved. The Christian and Sin-struggle against carnality(Rom.7) We must agree with what God shows us about sin and repent and ask Him to help you overwhelm-Z-3f?5Baptist DoctrineB TEReview #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE  a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures. 4\(S (Jesus Authenticated O.T. A number of documents were circulating from 50AD-150AD Marcion heresy prompted the canon Muratorian Fragment-200AD was first list Council of Carthage-397AD-first council to list all 27 NT books. 2f$f(fUF(Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE)) 1ST Criteria- Book was written or endorsed by an apostle. 2nd Criteria- Did the early church use the books as  sacred writings 3rd Criteria- Conformity to the core of books not questioned. 4th Criteria-was the book Christ-Centered. 5th Criteria- Internal evidence of its unique character as inspired and authoritativeaZ Z%ZZZff f.fff f;fff f3fff ffff fKfWH%Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN&& The Creation of Man and World Thought Evolutionist call man  a cosmic accident Quote: For something to be its own creation, it would have to be and not to be at the same time. -Dr.R.C. Sproul The odds of spontaneous regeneration Fossils tell no tales bNf_<XI Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two Views!! ROMAN CATHOLIC God declares a person justified when he indeed he is just. Infusion of Grace Grace can come by Two sacrements Baptism and Penance<_%ff NPROTESTANT VIEW The instrument of cause of faith alone. Imputation of Grace Double Imputation= Christ s righteousness and Death put on our Account Not Antinomian Faith4ZZffVGReview #2-God-Triune Person$GOD THE FATHER 1. A Creative relationship.Ps.68:5/Jerm.31:9 2. A Redemptive relationship.Jn.1:12/Gal.3:26 GOD THE SON Christ is the invisible God made visible. God came near in Christ. Jn.1:14 GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT In the person of the Holy Spirit, God comes even closer relationship with His children. The Holy Spirit is the resurrected presence of Christ in His Body. Christ in you. Gal.2:20Z[Z ZKZZZ[ K  YJ@Review #2-GOD S PURPOSE OF GRACE!! XGod s purpose of grace is man s redemption Election never appears in Bible as mechanical Election seems always to deal with God s Children Election never appears as a cancellation or violation of man s free will. God chose us in the sphere of being in Christ. Eph.1:3-13 Perseverance of the saints says all true believers will endure till the end. Paul believed God keep Him till the END. God keeps us saved. The Christian and Sin-struggle against carnality(Rom.7) We must agree with what God shows us about sin and repent and ask Him to help you overwhelm-Z-3f6*Doctrine of The ChurchhA New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel,observing the two ordinances of Christ, committed to His teachings, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth.PiZ3f/3f 3f3f3f@2The Doctrine of The Church-pt2JThe church is an autonomous body,operating through democratic processes under the lordship of Jesus Christ. In such a congregation members are equally responsible. Its scriptural officers are pastors and deacons. The New Testament speaks also of the church as the body of Christ which includes all of the redeemed of all the ages.TK3f 3fr3f 3f3fA6Origin of the Church(Church=Greek word is ecclesia-the called out ones. In secular Greek-the assembly of the citizens of a self-governing Greek city. In N.T. denotes always a local body of redeemed. It is more than an organization, it is an organism-a spiritual body. The plan for the church was from the foundation of the world. Eph.1:4 The birth of the church was the day of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.(Acts 2:1-4 23fE7JESUS AND THE CHURCHHJesus first mentions the church upon Peter s confession of faith in Him as the predicted Messiah. Matt.16:16-18 Jesus is the Rock upon which the church is built not Peter. Eph.2:20  chief corner stone I Cor.3:11  other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,which is Jesus. Jesus bought the church with His Blood Autonomy-self-governing, but Hobbs said  acting under democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave authority to church members to bind and loose. Mt.18:18-20 Jesus is in the Midst of His Church-Mt.18:20%3fnf3f3f f#3f fF8Purpose of the ChurchChurch born on Day of Pentecost.Acts 2 Three Classes of people composed church: Hebrew Christians-Jews in Palestine Hellenists Converts-Jews of foreign Proselytes-Gentile Converts The purpose of Israel in God s redemptive plan was the Scriptures come through them; and they are a channel to introduce the Savior.  The church is the true Israel of God. -H.Hobbs The purpose of the Church was that were commissioned to be witnesses of God s Plan of salvation to the world. (Eph.3:10-11) The Roman Catholics interpret  keys of the kingdom as the basis of papal authority. But refers to the authority of believers in mission.TPZeZZP3f3f3f=1The Church and the Kingdom(BNo difference between Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven The kingdom of God is the reign of God in our hearts and in universe. The church is a phase of God s kingdom charged with the extension of God s kingdom. The church is only institution to be given the keys of the kingdom. When one becomes born-again he becomes a part of the kingdom of God, and becomes a part of the local church through believer s baptism.FxZ*ZN3f33f!3fG9General Ministry-The Church(The Body of Christ has work to do here on earth before Christ comes again-being His Witnesses. Officers in the church(pastors/teachers) are called to  the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the fulness of Christ. Eph.4:12-13 The object of the general ministry is the building up of the Body and the increase of it s membership The Bride of Christ (the Church) is to make herself ready for the return of the groom-Christ. Rev.19:7  for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. When the church has been completed, Christ will return3f1ff3f"3fXf73fH:The Growth of the Church(The growth of the church is chronicled in the book of Acts The Right Atmosphere-Unity, Oneness, Accord The Right Appeal Anointing of the Holy Spirit Action of Personal Witnessing Authority of the Word The Right Response-  What shall se do to be saved? The Message of the Church Jesus is the Messiah prophesied in the OT Jesus was crucified for our sins Jesus rose from the dead Jesus will return;Z, fZ&Z;3fQ"3fvI;Method and Movement-Church($The World is to be won by the witnessing of church members The Building of the Church is by witnessing,education, discipleship. The movement of the church went from 120 in upper room to 3000 to 5000 Pliny-So many Christians that the pagan temples were deserted End of the 3rd Century- 5 Million Christians End of the 10 Century-50 Million Christians End of the 19th Century-200 Million Christians Gibbons:RISE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE Four reasons why Christianity grew rapidly: Enthusiasm Doctrine of Future Life Miraculous Power Pure Morals @3fJffXff fW@  J<$Characteristics of The Early Church%%(UNITED- Acts 2:44 STEADFAST-Loyal to the church, right doctrine and to each other CHARITABLE-shared their goods JOYFUL-full of joy and gladness SUCCESSFUL-Acts 2:47 They turned the world upside down for Christ. What is the church today doing?Z3fK='Organization and Officers in the Church(((fPaul gives clear instruction for a well organized church fellowship Council of Jerusalem indicated established order in the church-Acts 15 Officers in the Church: Elders-Acts 11:30 sent it to the elders Means Older;Came to mean those who maintain order or rule within the fellowship Paul told Titus to appoint elders in every city of Crete Elders were designated pastors-Eph.4;4/I Pet.5:1-2 They were to exhort and shepherd the flock RZ)ZZ3f)f3fL>Officers In The Church-cont."(6DEACONS-(Diakonos-minister,servant) The word comes from those who labor in the dust The emphasis is on  service rendered They were appointed by the apostles to take care of a crisis in church-Act 6 Several deacons did the word of evangelizing and preaching gospel-Stephen and Philip3fM? QUALIFICATIONS OF CHURCH LEADERS!!(.They were to be blameless(not sinless) They were to be proven, not a novice They were to be serious and sober in duty Quote: THE CHURCH NEEDS LEADERS SAVED- look out from among you SELECT-full of faith and the Holy Spirit Oh,do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be strong men and women.Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers. Pray for powers equal to your tasks. That the doing of your work will be no miracle; but you shall be a miracle..  Phillips Brooks SINCERE- Sunday self and Weekday Self-same STEADFAST- Quote: I don t care how loud a brother chouts or how high he jumps, just so he walks straight when he comes down. Bud Robinson SPIRTUAL Acts 6:3 VZZ3f3f3f3f"3f   3f$3f 3ff 3f3f3f#BAPTISM( Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Savior, the believer s death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. It is a testimony to his faith in the final resurrection of the dead. Being a church ordinance, it is a prerequisite to the privileges of church membership and to the Lord s Supper.  3fN@"THE LORD S SUPPERThe Lord s Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His Second coming.3fOABaptismThe word ordinance translated in I Cor.11:2 means  traditions or things handed down. Both ordinances are symbolic, not sacramental. They symbolize what Jesus did for one s salvation. The Greek word-baptizo means to dip,plunge, submerge or immerse. The word was used in classical Greek of  dipping of animals or the sinking of a shipOOB3 BAPTISM-pt 2 `The word baptizo used in Mark 7:4/Luke 11:38 for the submerging of the body or hands in water or being overwhelmed in trouble(Matt.20:22-23;Mark 10:38-39) The idea of baptismal regeneration did not appear in Christian writings. Only in the 2nd and 3rd century was baptismal regeneration accepted by a group which evolved into the Roman Catholic Church.^a   ,:PB BAPTISM-pt.3 " Born of water in John 3:5 does not refer to baptism, but physical birth. Immersion was the original form of Baptism not sprinkling. It is not until the 13th Century that we see sprinkling as a mode of Roman Catholic baptism. Change of mode and the meaning is lost. Illustration: Dante was immersed in a baptistry in Florence, Italy in a Catholic church. Catholic churches built prior to the 13th century has murals with Jesus being immersed. Baptism is not necessary for the kingdom of God but for admission in a local church.Z3f3fm3f3fG3f'3f3f3f|3fQC"The Lord s SupperbThe supper is for  baptized believers only. The elements used were unleavened bread and  the fruit of the vine. Four Views of the Lord s Supper: Roman Catholic=Transubstantiation say the during the Mass the elements become the body and the blood of Jesus. Lutherans=Consubstantiation say that the body and blood are present with the elements. Sacramentarian=other denominations say that the partaking of the Supper is a means of grace. Baptists=believe that the elements are symbolic of the body and blood of Jesus with no saving effect in partaking of them.&ZZ3f3f03f&3f 3f 3f43f3f3f3f:3f3f3f3f 3f3fL3fRDBaptist DoctrineB ZKBaptist DoctrineB [OReview #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE  a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures. 4\(S (Jesus Authenticated O.T. A number of documents were circulating from 50AD-150AD Marcion heresy prompted the canon Muratorian Fragment-200AD was first list Council of Carthage-397AD-first council to list all 27 NT books. 2f$f(f\P(Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE)) 1ST Criteria- Book was written or endorsed by an apostle. 2nd Criteria- Did the early church use the books as  sacred writings 3rd Criteria- Conformity to the core of books not questioned. 4th Criteria-was the book Christ-Centered. 5th Criteria- Internal evidence of its unique character as inspired and authoritativeaZ Z%ZZZff f.fff f;fff f3fff ffff fKf]Q%Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN&& The Creation of Man and World Thought Evolutionist call man  a cosmic accident Quote: For something to be its own creation, it would have to be and not to be at the same time. -Dr.R.C. Sproul The odds of spontaneous regeneration Fossils tell no tales bNf_<^R Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two Views!! ROMAN CATHOLIC God declares a person justified when he indeed he is just. Infusion of Grace Grace can come by Two sacrements Baptism and Penance<_%ff NPROTESTANT VIEW The instrument of cause of faith alone. Imputation of Grace Double Imputation= Christ s righteousness and Death put on our Account Not Antinomian Faith4ZZff_SReview #2-God-Triune Person$GOD THE FATHER 1. A Creative relationship.Ps.68:5/Jerm.31:9 2. A Redemptive relationship.Jn.1:12/Gal.3:26 GOD THE SON Christ is the invisible God made visible. God came near in Christ. Jn.1:14 GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT In the person of the Holy Spirit, God comes even closer relationship with His children. The Holy Spirit is the resurrected presence of Christ in His Body. Christ in you. Gal.2:20Z[Z ZKZZZ[ K  `T@Review #2-GOD S PURPOSE OF GRACE!! XGod s purpose of grace is man s redemption Election never appears in Bible as mechanical Election seems always to deal with God s Children Election never appears as a cancellation or violation of man s free will. God chose us in the sphere of being in Christ. Eph.1:3-13 Perseverance of the saints says all true believers will endure till the end. Paul believed God keep Him till the END. God keeps us saved. The Christian and Sin-struggle against carnality(Rom.7) We must agree with what God shows us about sin and repent and ask Him to help you overwhelm-Z-3faMtReview #3-The Doctrine of the Church-Baptism-Lord s Supper;;(L The N.T. church of the Lord Jesus is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel.. The church is an autonomous-self-governing In the N.T. church denotes a local body of redeemed. More than an organization-it is a spiritual organism Birth of church-the Day of Pentecost Jesus bought the church with his blood Jesus gave authority to church to bind and loose #3f3fp3f 3fz3f%3f3f 3f 3f 3f23fbLTReview #3-The Church,Baptism,Lord s Supper++$The purpose of the church was that were commissioned to be witnesses of God s Plan of salvation to the world. (Eph.3:10-11) The officers of the church were pastors(elders) and pastors Pastors were chosen to maintain order;exhort;teach and shepherd the flock Deacons were to serve the needs of members and take some of the load off pastors in care of flock.(Acts 6)23f3f<0TReview #3-The Church,Baptism,Lord s Supper++$ Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Both ordinances are symbolic, not sacramental. Baptizo= to dip or plunge, submerge,immerse The idea of baptismal regeneration did not occur till the 2nd or 3rd century and that by a group that evolved into the Roman Catholic church. There are four views of Lord s Supper: Catholics-Transubstantiation=Elements become the Body Lutherans-Consubstantiation=Christ s present with elements Sacramentarian=partaking of supper is a means of grace Baptists-The Lord s Supper is symbolic;no saving effect in taking  3f 3f 3f3f3f3fq3f 3f-3f 3f13f3f)3f 3f:3fcN Lesson #4-The Lords Day $ The first day of the week is the Lord s Day. It is a Christian institution for regular observance. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead and should be employed in exercises of worship and spiritual devotion, both public and private, and by refraining from worldly amusements, and resting from secular employments, work of necessity and mercy only being excepted In the O.T. the seventh day of the week was set apart as the Sabbath. Sabbath means  rest. The number seven came from God resting after His creative work. It was a sacred day. In the gospels, Jesus and the disciples observed the seventh day as Sabbath. But Jesus did not agree to the over 1500 rules that Jewish leaders had put on the observance of the Sabbath day. (Example;Jesus disciples pluck corn on Sabbath day-Matt.12;1-4;See Mark 3:2 and Luke 6:1-11and John 6:1-47)6[Z3fo3fl.$,#4-The Lord s Day-pt.2(:Paul went to the synagogues on the Sabbath day because they found an audience to preach to. The  Lord s Day appears one time in N.T. and Was the first day of the week. Acts 20:7  and upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread.. I Cor.16:2  Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store.. Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week. John 20:1  The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher. The Sabbath a day of rest from work, while the Lord s Day memorialized Christ s resurrection.Z Zb 3fZ Z3f=3f^3feULesson #4-The Kingdom(D  The Kingdom of God includes both His general sovereignty over the universe and His particular kingship over men who willfully acknowledge Him as King. Particularly the Kingdom is the realm of salvation into which men enter by trustful, childlike commitment to Jesus Christ. Christians ought to pray and labor that the Kingdom may come and God s will be done on earth. The full consummation of the Kingdom awaits the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the age. The word kingdom means kingship, royal power or rule. It refers to God s sovereign reign in the natural universe and in the spiritual world and our hearts. Matt.12:28  If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Matt.13;1-47  the kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed..the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed& .the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven& like a treasure hid in a field.. Matt.26:29  I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the wine, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father s kingdom. I Cor.15;50  flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; niether doth corruption inherit incorruption. DoZ4Z3f3f4fV#4-The Kingdom-pt2$hAs Creator, God has the right to be sovereign. Satan disputed this claim The incarnation of Christ was to disprove Satan THE NATURE OF THE KINGDOM Christ s Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36) Jesus demonstrated over natural universe. Nature obeys Jesus.(wind,waves,fish,food,walk on water) Jesus said His Reign was  within you. Lk17:21 It is the reign of God among us. Some see his kingdom as a literal 1000 yr reign-politically.XyZZ" 3fZy3f3f"3fgW#4-Last Things(  God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in heaven with the Lord. Eschatology means the science of last things. Theologians speak of realized eschatology and unrealized eschatology. Full Preterist view-All things predicted in the OT have been fulfilled with the destruction of the temple in 70AD Christ came invisibly then in judgment Partial Preterist view-All but the coming of Jesus back visibly have been fulfilled. It is a dual sense that one may understand Christ s presence now and His promised return.RIZZZZ3ft3fH3f$#4-Last Things-pt 2$VJESUS TEACHINGS ON LAST THINGS Jesus taught His return at the end of the age is clear. (See Matt.16;27-28) Jesus most extended teaching on last things is found in Matt.24-25.The events there deal with the destruction of Jerusalem,the Lord s return and the end of the age. See Matt.24:24  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Were many of Jesus prophecies in Matt. 24 fulfilled in the invasion and destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD? Jesus said there would be many false signs of His return. Matt.24:4-7ZZ] 3fZ Z3fl3f-##4-Last Things-pt3(Jesus said that  wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together. Matt.24:28 The eagles refer to those that devour, vultures. So this is a time of judgment not His Glorious Appearing. When Roman ruler came into Jerusalem he set up His own emblems in the temple to be worshipped. (See Matt.24:15) Over 1 million Jews were killed in 70AD Many of the Christians escaped to the caves. This was the great tribulation. There is apocalyptic language in Matt.24 that parallels the prophecies in Daniel 9:24-27 His coming is certain and the fall of Jerusalem was a certain prophecy by Jesus.:^ 3fZ3fR3fhX#4-Last Things-pt.4$Major Views Among Baptists as to Second Coming: PREMILLENIALIST= They believe the next item is the rapture of saints;seven years of tribulation;Christ comes to set up a literal 1000 yr reign; then the final Consummation of all with Christ s return again. AMILLENIALIST=Millennial time is an infinite period of time beginning at the cross or day of Pentecost till Christ s returns. POSTMILLENNIALISTS=There will be a triumph of the gospel culminating in a period of righteousness which will continue for 1000yrs. At the appearing of Christ there will be a resurrection of the dead, both righteous and wicked, followed by the judgment. 0Zq3fZ1Z}q3fZ" 3fZZ03fK3f3fiY#4-Last Things.Quote: K.Barth(Swiss Theologian in the 1940 s said  The time is come when Christians need to read their Bible in one hand and the newspaper in the other. Some Definite Things About Christ s Return-Acts 1:10-11 THE RETURN WILL BE PERSONALLY THE RETURN WILL BE VISUALLY THE RETURN WILL BE GLORIOUS Paul said in light of His return Christians should live  righteously, and godly in this present world; looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Titus 2:12-13 So certain were the early Christians of Christ s return, they thought in their lifetime.  Since the N.T. speaks in broad terms about last things, interpretations will differ. One s position to details has never been a test of orthodoxy among Baptists. -Dr. Hershel Hobbs nZVZZZ83f3fm_Baptist DoctrineB o`Baptist DoctrineB paEvangelism & Missionsp It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to endeavor to make disciples of all nations. The new birth of man s spirit by God s Holy Spirit means the birth of love for others. Missionary effort on the part of all rests thus upon a spiritual necessity of the regenerate life, and is expressly and repeatedly commanded in the teachings of Christ. It is the duty of every child of God to seek constantly to win the lost to Christ by personal effort and by all other means in harmony with the gospel of Christ. 9Z93fjZEvangelism and MissionsMissions & Evangelism have their ultimate source in the heart of God. It is a privilege and obligation. Following His resurrection Jesus gave various commissions to disciples. Matt.28:19-20 Luke 24:46-49 John 20:21-23 Acts 1:8 ,44rbEvangelism & MissionsAs they worship Jesus, he commands them to go and make disciples.(Matt.28:17) The command was to  make disciples. Missions/evangelism is the life of the church. God cannot bless a church neglecting either. Church History has recorded great periods of spiritual death when evangelism/missions was at a low ebb. Quote:Dr.George Truett (1st-Dallas)-  The church that is not missionary in spirit and practice does not deserve the ground upon which its building stands. dhZmZ7 zsc Education Christianity is the faith of enlightenment and intelligence.In Jesus Christ abide all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. All sound learning is therefore a part of our Christian heritage.The new birth opens all human faculties and creates a thirst for knowledge. Moreover, the cause of education in the Kingdom of Christ is co-ordinate with the causes of missions and general benevolence, and should receive along with these the liberal support of the churches. An adequate system of Christian education is necessary to a complete spiritual program for Christ s people. In Christian education there should be a proper balance between academic freedom and academic responsibility. Freedom in any orderly relationship of human life is always limited and never absolute. The freedom of a teacher in a Christian school, college, or seminary is limited by the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ, by the authoritative nature of the scriptures, and by the distinct purpose for which the school exists. 3ftd EducationJesus was called a  rabbi teacher Jesus commanded his followers to  make disciples to  teach them to obey everything I have commanded you Most state conventions have one or more colleges that it is associated with. The SBC operates six seminaries: Southern Seminary-Louisville,KY New Orleans Seminary-New Orleans,LA Midwestern Seminary-Kansas City, MO Golden Gate Seminary-Mill Valley,CA Southeastern Seminary-Wake Forest,NC Southwestern Seminary-Fort Worth,TX Baptists help provide the funds for a sound program of Christians education. Academic freedom and academic responsibility must be in balance. Should there be a violation of Baptist doctrine the trustees and seminary administration should handle these matters. `ZZZZ  ue Stewardship God is the source of all blessings, temporal and spiritual; all that we have and are we owe to Him. Christians have a spiritual debtorship to the whole world, a holy trusteeship in the gospel, and a binding stewardship in their possessions. They are therefore under obligation to serve Him with their time, talents and material possessions; and should recognize all these as entrusted to them to use for the glory of God and for helping others. According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully,regularly,systematically,proportionately and liberally for the advancement of the Redeemer s cause on earth. 3fvf StewardshipStewardship =the acceptance from God of personal responsibility for all of life and life s affairs. Proper use of talents is rewarded.Mt.25:15-30 Abuse of gifts is judged by God. Paul said we have a stewardship of the gospel.(Rom.1:14) Jesus warned of being a rich fool.(Lk12) Most of the Sermon on the Mount deals with money.(Mt.6) Jesus nor Paul specifically commands tithing, but Jesus does not condemn, and always lifts to higher standards. Jesus measures the love and sacrifice involved-see the widows mite. She gave  all her living. (Mk12) Paul outlines a system for giving. (I Cor.16:1-4)UUwg Cooperation Christ s people should, as occasion requires, organize such associations and conventions as may best secure cooperation for the great objects of the kingdom of God. Such organizations have no authority over one another or over the churches. They are voluntary and advisory bodies designed to elicit, combine, and direct the energies of our people in the most effective manner. Members of New Testament churches should cooperate with one another in carrying forward the missionary, educational, and benevolent ministries for the extension of Christ s Kingdom. Christian unity in the New Testament is spiritual harmony and voluntary cooperation for common ends by various groups of Christ s people. Cooperation is desirable between the various Christian denominations, when the end to be attained is itself justified, and when such cooperation involves no violation of conscience or compromise of loyalty to Christ and His Word as revealed in the New Testament. 3fxh Cooperation$Representatives from the church at Jerusalem and Antioch meet to discuss the Judean controversy. Another cooperative effort in NT was Paul s trip to Macedonia and Greece to collect funds for the poor saints in Jerusalem. The first organized convention of Baptists in America was in Philadelphia in 1812 that resulted in the Baptist General convention. Meeting every three years-Triennial Convention. When it voted that no slaveholder could be appointed a missionary, the southern states withdrew. That group that remained was called the American Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention was organized in Augusta, Georgia in 1845. Today it is the largest of all Baptist conventions with many agencies and state conventions cooperating together to take gospel around the world.ZyiCooperation(2003 Statistics)Number of SBC churches(2002)- 42,775 Number of IMB missionaries(2002)- 5,376 Number NAMB missionaries(2002)-5,204 Number of State Conventions- 39 Number of SBC Associations-1198 Number of SBC total members=16,247,736 Other Agencies: Executive Committee of SBC-Nashville,TN Annuity Board-SBC-Dallas,TX IMB-Richmond,VA NAMB-Alpharetta,GA Lifeway Christian Resources-Nashville,TN Seminary Extension-Nashville,TN The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Women s Missionary Union-Birmingham,AL Six Seminaries8ZZqrBaptist DoctrineB zjThe Christian and Social Order Every Christian is under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in his own life and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society and the establishment of righteousness among men can be truly and permanently helpful only when they are rooted in the regeneration of the individual by the saving grace of God in Christ Jesus. The Christian should oppose, in the spirit of Christ, ever form of greed,selfishness and vice. He should work to provide for the orphaned, the needy,the aged, the helpless, the sick. Every Christian should seek principles of righteousness, truth, and brotherly love. In order to promote these ends Christians should be ready to work with all men of good will in any good cause, always being careful to act in the spirit of love without compromising their loyalty to Christ and His truth. YY3f}mThe Christian and Social OrderBaptists do not believe in a social gospel or that the kingdom of God can be established through social reform. But they do believe that the effect of the gospel on society will bring social reforms. Social injustice is rooted in sin and sin must have the gospel for a cure. Jesus changed people from the inside out. (Zaccheus and Woman at Samaritan well) Jesus taught that once Born-again, Christians should be both salt and light in society.(Mt.5:12-16) Their influence should be felt in all areas of society. God has ordained the institution of government-every soul should seek to obey the law even though not always agreeing with every law. Baptists have worked with many groups to help society: Baptists Hospitals and medical missions World Hungry Fund(Exam:Russia Missionary took $50,000. To provide medical supplies in the Chezneya War(1995) Emergency Relief teams from many states-disasters,hurricanes,etc. DZZZ3f3f{k Peace and War> It is the duty of Christians to seek peace with all men on principles of righteousness. In accordance with the spirit and teachings of Christ they should do all in their power to put an end to war. The true remedy for the war spirit is the gospel of our Lord. The supreme need of the world is the acceptance of His teachings in all the affairs of men and nations, and the practical application of His law of love. Z3f~n Peace and War We are to pray for those in authority that we can all live in peace.(See I Tim.2:1-2) The angels sang at His birth-  on earth peace to men.. Lk.2:14 Out of 3,421 recorded history we know of only 268 years of peace. If it is possible live at peace with all men (Rom.12:18) Reconciliation of man to God must precede reconciliation of man to man. Jesus gave up His life to make reconciliation for man. (ZZ3fo Peace and WarWas Jesus a pacifist when he said to disciples  put up again thy sword& .for all that take the sword shall perish by the sword. Mt.26:52 He made Peter put up the sword at his arrest. Jesus and the NT also said to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar and to God the things of God. Jesus taught also a law opposite of retaliation.  eye for an eye. This dealt with personal relationship and not governments. The Christian should do all he can to promote peace and recognize that not all will be person of peace. Christians resistance to evil by war should be out of a love for that which is good for humanity. @lZ/Z3f|lReligious LibertyF God alone is the Lord of the conscience, and He has left it free from the doctrines and commandments of men which are contrary to His word or not contained in it. Church and state should be separate. The state owes to every church protection and full freedom in the pursuit of its spiritual ends. In providing for such freedom no ecclesiastical group or denomination should be favored by the state more than others. Civil governments being ordained of God, it is the duty of Christians to render loyal obedience thereto in all things not contrary to the revealed will of God. The church should not resort to the civil power to carry on its work. The gospel of Christ contemplates spiritual means alone for the pursuit of its ends. The state has no right to impose taxes for the support of any form of religion. A free state is the c\Christian ideal and this implies the right of free and unhindered access to God on the part of all men, and the right to form and propagate opinions in the sphere of religion without interference by the civil power. 4Z$ZA Z$pReligious Liberty|Religious liberty is the mother of all liberties. Religious liberty is  the right of every man to worship God as his conscience dictates. Religious liberty is not necessarily religious toleration, but a right bestowed by God. Religious liberty demands responsibility and personal controls. Christians should be good citizens of the state and lawfully oppose any statues or laws against the laws of God. There are times when Christians may have to say as Peter did  we ought to obey god rather than man. Acts 5;29 The church should not receive tax funds for use in discharging their educational, healing or spiritual responsibility. The Church should be free to determine its program of worship(no prayer book), evangelism, and missionary activities. History records that a free church in a free state proves a blessing to both.?Z?3fxBaptist DoctrineB yReview #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE  a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures. 4\(S (Jesus Authenticated O.T. A number of documents were circulating from 50AD-150AD Marcion heresy prompted the canon Muratorian Fragment-200AD was first list Council of Carthage-397AD-first council to list all 27 NT books. 2f$f(fz(Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE)) 1ST Criteria- Book was written or endorsed by an apostle. 2nd Criteria- Did the early church use the books as  sacred writings 3rd Criteria- Conformity to the core of books not questioned. 4th Criteria-was the book Christ-Centered. 5th Criteria- Internal evidence of its unique character as inspired and authoritativeaZ Z%ZZZff f.fff f;fff f3fff ffff fKf{%Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN&& The Creation of Man and World Thought Evolutionist call man  a cosmic accident Quote: For something to be its own creation, it would have to be and not to be at the same time. -Dr.R.C. Sproul The odds of spontaneous regeneration Fossils tell no tales bNf_<| Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two Views!! ROMAN CATHOLIC God declares a person justified when he indeed he is just. Infusion of Grace Grace can come by Two sacrements Baptism and Penance<_%ff NPROTESTANT VIEW The instrument of cause of faith alone. Imputation of Grace Double Imputation= Christ s righteousness and Death put on our Account Not Antinomian Faith4ZZff~Review #2-God-Triune Person$GOD THE FATHER 1. A Creative relationship.Ps.68:5/Jerm.31:9 2. A Redemptive relationship.Jn.1:12/Gal.3:26 GOD THE SON Christ is the invisible God made visible. God came near in Christ. Jn.1:14 GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT In the person of the Holy Spirit, God comes even closer relationship with His children. The Holy Spirit is the resurrected presence of Christ in His Body. Christ in you. Gal.2:20Z[Z ZKZZZ[ K  @Review #2-GOD S PURPOSE OF GRACE!! XGod s purpose of grace is man s redemption Election never appears in Bible as mechanical Election seems always to deal with God s Children Election never appears as a cancellation or violation of man s free will. God chose us in the sphere of being in Christ. Eph.1:3-13 Perseverance of the saints says all true believers will endure till the end. Paul believed God keep Him till the END. God keeps us saved. The Christian and Sin-struggle against carnality(Rom.7) We must agree with what God shows us about sin and repent and ask Him to help you overwhelm-Z-3ftReview #3-The Doctrine of the Church-Baptism-Lord s Supper;;(L The N.T. church of the Lord Jesus is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel.. The church is an autonomous-self-governing In the N.T. church denotes a local body of redeemed. More than an organization-it is a spiritual organism Birth of church-the Day of Pentecost Jesus bought the church with his blood Jesus gave authority to church to bind and loose #3f3fp3f 3fz3f%3f3f 3f 3f 3f23fTReview #3-The Church,Baptism,Lord s Supper++$The purpose of the church was that were commissioned to be witnesses of God s Plan of salvation to the world. (Eph.3:10-11) The officers of the church were pastors(elders) and pastors Pastors were chosen to maintain order;exhort;teach and shepherd the flock Deacons were to serve the needs of members and take some of the load off pastors in care of flock.(Acts 6)23f3f}TReview #3-The Church,Baptism,Lord s Supper++$ Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Both ordinances are symbolic, not sacramental. Baptizo= to dip or plunge, submerge,immerse The idea of baptismal regeneration did not occur till the 2nd or 3rd century and that by a group that evolved into the Roman Catholic church. There are four views of Lord s Supper: Catholics-Transubstantiation=Elements become the Body Lutherans-Consubstantiation=Christ s present with elements Sacramentarian=partaking of supper is a means of grace Baptists-The Lord s Supper is symbolic;no saving effect in taking  3f 3f 3f3f3f3fq3f 3f-3f 3f13f3f)3f 3f:3f Lesson #4-The Lords Day $ The first day of the week is the Lord s Day. It is a Christian institution for regular observance. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ from the dead and should be employed in exercises of worship and spiritual devotion, both public and private, and by refraining from worldly amusements, and resting from secular employments, work of necessity and mercy only being excepted In the O.T. the seventh day of the week was set apart as the Sabbath. Sabbath means  rest. The number seven came from God resting after His creative work. It was a sacred day. In the gospels, Jesus and the disciples observed the seventh day as Sabbath. But Jesus did not agree to the over 1500 rules that Jewish leaders had put on the observance of the Sabbath day. (Example;Jesus disciples pluck corn on Sabbath day-Matt.12;1-4;See Mark 3:2 and Luke 6:1-11and John 6:1-47)6[Z3fo3fl,#4-The Lord s Day-pt.2(:Paul went to the synagogues on the Sabbath day because they found an audience to preach to. The  Lord s Day appears one time in N.T. and Was the first day of the week. Acts 20:7  and upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread.. I Cor.16:2  Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store.. Jesus was raised from the dead on the first day of the week. John 20:1  The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulcher, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher. The Sabbath a day of rest from work, while the Lord s Day memorialized Christ s resurrection.Z Zb 3fZ Z3f=3f^3fLesson #4-The Kingdom(D  The Kingdom of God includes both His general sovereignty over the universe and His particular kingship over men who willfully acknowledge Him as King. Particularly the Kingdom is the realm of salvation into which men enter by trustful, childlike commitment to Jesus Christ. Christians ought to pray and labor that the Kingdom may come and God s will be done on earth. The full consummation of the Kingdom awaits the return of Jesus Christ and the end of the age. The word kingdom means kingship, royal power or rule. It refers to God s sovereign reign in the natural universe and in the spiritual world and our hearts. Matt.12:28  If I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you. Matt.13;1-47  the kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed..the kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed& .the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven& like a treasure hid in a field.. Matt.26:29  I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the wine, until that day when I drink it new with you in My Father s kingdom. I Cor.15;50  flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God; niether doth corruption inherit incorruption. DoZ4Z3f3f4w#4-The Kingdom-pt2$hAs Creator, God has the right to be sovereign. Satan disputed this claim The incarnation of Christ was to disprove Satan THE NATURE OF THE KINGDOM Christ s Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36) Jesus demonstrated over natural universe. Nature obeys Jesus.(wind,waves,fish,food,walk on water) Jesus said His Reign was  within you. Lk17:21 It is the reign of God among us. Some see his kingdom as a literal 1000 yr reign-politically.XyZZ" 3fZy3f3f"3f#4-Last Things(  God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in heaven with the Lord. Eschatology means the science of last things. Theologians speak of realized eschatology and unrealized eschatology. Full Preterist view-All things predicted in the OT have been fulfilled with the destruction of the temple in 70AD Christ came invisibly then in judgment Partial Preterist view-All but the coming of Jesus back visibly have been fulfilled. It is a dual sense that one may understand Christ s presence now and His promised return.RIZZZZ3ft3fH3f#4-Last Things-pt 2$VJESUS TEACHINGS ON LAST THINGS Jesus taught His return at the end of the age is clear. (See Matt.16;27-28) Jesus most extended teaching on last things is found in Matt.24-25.The events there deal with the destruction of Jerusalem,the Lord s return and the end of the age. See Matt.24:24  Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Were many of Jesus prophecies in Matt. 24 fulfilled in the invasion and destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD? Jesus said there would be many false signs of His return. Matt.24:4-7ZZ] 3fZ Z3fl3f#4-Last Things-pt.4$Major Views Among Baptists as to Second Coming: PREMILLENIALIST= They believe the next item is the rapture of saints;seven years of tribulation;Christ comes to set up a literal 1000 yr reign; then the final Consummation of all with Christ s return again. AMILLENIALIST=Millennial time is an infinite period of time beginning at the cross or day of Pentecost till Christ s returns. POSTMILLENNIALISTS=There will be a triumph of the gospel culminating in a period of righteousness which will continue for 1000yrs. At the appearing of Christ there will be a resurrection of the dead, both righteous and wicked, followed by the judgment. 0Zq3fZ1Z}q3fZ" 3fZZ03fK3f3fu #5-Review (Missions & Evangelism have their ultimate source in God The command was to  make disciples Missions & Evangelism is the life of the church Church History has recorded spiritual death and dark periods when missions/evangelism neglected The cause of Christian Education is coordinate with the the cause of missions Most state conventions have one or more colleges connected with their state convention (The Florida Baptist College,formerly Baptist Bible Institute in Graceville,Fl)3fv@#5 Review-Evangelism,Missions,Education, Stewardship,CooperationAA$Name the Six SBC Seminaries: Southern Seminary-Louisville,KY New Orleans Seminary-N.O.,LA. Midwestern Seminary-Kansas City,MO Golden Gate Seminary- Mill Valley,CA Southeastern Seminary- Wake Forest,NC Southwestern Seminary- Fort Worth,TX -Most of the Sermon on The Mount deals with money -Paul said we have a stewardship of the gospel -Paul instructs the church to support teachers and gives a System for giving-I Cor.9:11-14/I Cor.16:1-4P 3f 3f3f3ft@#5-Review Evangelism,Missions,Education, Stewardship,CooperationAA hCooperation among churches is found in Acts and in Pauls letters..(Acts 15/II Cor.8) The first organized convention of Baptists was in 1812 in Philadelphia,PA The Southern Baptist Convention was organized in 1845 There are 42,775 church in SBC as of 2002 There are 5,376 IMB missionaries and 5,204 NAMB missionaries Name the eight agencies in SBC today: Executive Board Annuity Board International Mission Board(IMB) North American Mission Board(NAMB) Lifeway Resources Seminary Extension The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Women s Missionary Union(WOM) PbZ 3fZb3f3f3f6#6-Review Social Order,Peace and War,Religious Liberty77 <Baptists do not believe in a social gospel per say, but they believe the gospel with have effects on society Jesus changed people from the inside(New Birth) Baptists have worked with many groups to aide society: Hospitals,World Hunger,Emergency Relief Teams,etc Baptists believe it is the duty of Christians to seek peace True remedy for the war spirit is the gospel of Christ. Christians are to obey those in authority and we do not find the NT teaches a Christian to be a pacifist. There are times when a Christian may need to defend his family and country and principles. Religious Liberty is the mother of all liberties. The state owes it to every church protection and full freedom of its spiritual ends. The state has no right to impose taxes upon the people to support religious ends. A free state is the Christian ideal.=Z=3fVBAPTIST DOCTRINE-Final Exam-NOBTS Certificate Program Name_________________Date_______WW$3fKANSWERS: Place the letter of the correct answer into the blanks below in questions list. Marcion I) Spiritual Death O) Six Local Body J) Double Imputation P) True Amillennialist K) Symbolic Q) Science Fossils L)The Baptist College R) 1845 Autonomous M) Redemption S) Effects Source N)Kingdom T) Mother 397AD Pentecost YM" " " YM3f3f  3f  3fQUESTIONS: Baptist Doctrine$3f6The _____ heresy prompted the canon of scriptures. The Council of Carthage in _____ approved the first list of 27 NT books. _____ tell no tales and disprove evolution. ___ ____means Christ s righteousness was put on my account and my sins was put on Him. God s purpose of grace is man s ______. Perseverance of the saints says all ___ believers will endure to the end. The NT church is a ____ ____ of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith of the gospel. The church is ________ meaning self-governing. The birth of the church was on the day of _______. Both ordinances(Lord s Supper/Baptism) are seen by Baptists as _______ not sacremental. $" 3fZ3fQUESTIONS-Part Two$3fr____ refers to God s sovereign reign in the natural universe;in the spiritual realm and in our hearts. Eschatology means the _____ of Last Things. ____ means that the millennial reign of 1000 years is an indefinite period of time beginning at the cross or the Day of Pentecost and leading to Christ s second coming. Missions and evangelism have their ultimate __ in God. Church History has recorded ___ ____ and dark periods when missions and evangelism was neglected. Most of the 39 State Conventions have their own college. The one in Florida is The_____ ____ of Florida. Southern Baptists have ___ seminaries. The Southern Baptist Convention was organized in___. Baptists do not believe in a social gospel per say, but they do believe the gospel will have ____ on society. Religious Liberty is the ____ of all liberties. $:" 3fZ:3fBonus Questions: (Pick one Bonus Question.The most points you can add to your overall  class grade is 10 points.)(s3fb3fPBonus: Explain the Canon of Scriptures. How early was a set of documents circulating What prompted the Canon of Scriptures. What fragment was the frist list and date it. Name the place and date of the first council to approve all 27 NT books. Name the five criteria for putting a book in Canon. What does inspiration of scriptures mean.F(" 3f)" 3f&)BONUS QUESTIONS:$3f2. BONUS QUESTION: Explain the Cooperative Program, agencies, seminaries of SBC Name the year and place where the SBC started. Explain how cooperation works between churches,associations,state conventions,National agencies. Give the number of SBC churches as of 2002. How many IMB missionaries do SBC have and NAMB missionaries. Name eight agencies of the SBC. Name the six seminaries of the SBC and location.BP!3fJ" 3fP3fJ3f/l 3DSdn q   PLesson #4-Lord'sDay;LastThings b#1-Revelation8     >Lesson#2-God,Man,Salvation,Gracl! 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CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURETHE EXTENT OF INSPIRATIONCLAIMS OF INSPIRATIONThe Extent of InspirationJESUS AND INSPIRATIONThe Nature of Inspiration Slide 17BAPTIST DOCTRINE- Lesson-#2DOCTRINE OF GODDoctrine of GodGod-Triune Person NAMES OF GODATTRIBUTES OF GOD GOD-THE SONGOD-THE HOLY SPIRIT#2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MANCreation of ManGods Image In Man-Gen.1:27 Slide 29%Gods Plan for Man to Give Him GloryMans DominionTHE FALL OF MANThe Results of SinThe Tribunal for SinINGREDIENTS OF FAITHSAVING FAITH-Two ViewsThree Types of Faith LIVING FAITHREGENERATION NATURE OF NEW BIRTHNATURE OF NEW BIRTH-pt2New Birth-What it is Not?GODS PURPOSE OF GRACE Slide 44Baptist Doctrine\Review #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures.)Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE&Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN!Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two ViewsReview #2-God-Triune Person!Review #2-GODS PURPOSE OF GRACEDoctrine of The ChurchThe Doctrine of The Church-pt2Origin of the ChurchJESUS AND THE CHURCHPurpose of the ChurchThe Church and the KingdomGeneral Ministry-The ChurchThe Growth of the ChurchMethod and Movement-Church%Characteristics of The Early Church(Organization and Officers in the ChurchOfficers In The Church-cont.!QUALIFICATIONS OF CHURCH LEADERSBAPTISMTHE LORDS SUPPERBaptism BAPTISM-pt 2 BAPTISM-pt.3The Lords SupperBaptist Doctrine Slide 72Baptist Doctrine\Review #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures.)Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE&Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN!Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two ViewsReview #2-God-Triune Person!Review #2-GODS PURPOSE OF GRACE;Review #3-The Doctrine of the Church-Baptism-Lords Supper+Review #3-The Church,Baptism,Lords Supper+Review #3-The Church,Baptism,Lords Supper Lesson #4-The Lords Day #4-The Lords Day-pt.2Lesson #4-The Kingdom#4-The Kingdom-pt2#4-Last Things#4-Last Things-pt 2#4-Last Things-pt3#4-Last Things-pt.4#4-Last ThingsBaptist Doctrine Slide 93Baptist DoctrineEvangelism & MissionsEvangelism and MissionsEvangelism & Missions Education Education Stewardship Stewardship Cooperation CooperationCooperation(2003 Statistics) Slide 105Baptist DoctrineThe Christian and Social OrderThe Christian and Social OrderPeace and WarPeace and WarPeace and WarReligious LibertyReligious Liberty Slide 114Baptist Doctrine\Review #1CANON OF SCRIPTURE a list of books which are reckoned to be the Holy Scriptures.)Review#1-CRITERIA FOR CANON OF SCRIPTURE&Review #2- CREATION & THE FALL OF MAN!Review #2-SAVING FAITH-Two ViewsReview #2-God-Triune Person!Review #2-GODS PURPOSE OF GRACE;Review #3-The Doctrine of the Church-Baptism-Lords Supper+Review #3-The Church,Baptism,Lords Supper+Review #3-The Church,Baptism,Lords Supper Lesson #4-The Lords Day #4-The Lords Day-pt.2Lesson #4-The Kingdom Slide 128#4-The Kingdom-pt2#4-Last Things#4-Last Things-pt 2#4-Last Things-pt.4 #5-ReviewA#5 Review-Evangelism,Missions,Education, Stewardship,CooperationA#5-Review Evangelism,Missions,Education, Stewardship,Cooperation7#6-Review Social Order,Peace and War,Religious LibertyWBAPTIST DOCTRINE-Final Exam-NOBTS Certificate Program Name_________________Date_______QUESTIONS: Baptist DoctrineQUESTIONS-Part Two Slide 140sBonus Questions: (Pick one Bonus Question.The most points you can add to your overall class grade is 10 points.)BONUS QUESTIONS:#1-Revelation Lesson#2-God,Man,Salvation,Grac #3-Church,Baptism,Lord's SupperLesson #4-Lord'sDay;LastThings#5-Evangelism-Cooperation#6-Social Order-Rel.Liberty Review#7  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles Custom Shows!_D 0RAY HENRYRAY HENRY  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~                           ! 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